54. The plantation specifications for a project must include the following clauses:(1) measures to prevent soil erosion must be present until at least 90% of the planted surface is occupied by well-established plant species in the case of revegetation by seeding, or until the plant species are well established and able to ensure erosion control in the case of revegetation by plantation;
(2) the replanted surfaces must show a minimum rate of coverage by living plants of 90% at the end of at least 1 year following the end of the revegetation work. Revegetation must be carried out again for as long as the plant survival rate is not at least 90% at the end of the year following revegetation work;
(3) fertilization during the plant establishment period must be carried out according to standard BNQ 0605-100 — Aménagement paysager à l’aide de végétaux;
(4) as soon as the plants are received and stored and up to 12 months after plantation, the measures required by the contractor to protect and ensure their survival.